Tuesday, April 5, 2022

A Note to Myself in April 2023


April 2022

Today is the "day before".  I thought I would document this day and make a note on my April 6, 2023 calendar to re-read this post to see just how far I have come.  I am doing this with hopes that a year from now I will be in a better place than I am today or have been since February 2nd.  If that is not the case, then darn!  I am also doing this to have some measurable progress reports and maybe some other 60-something year old woman can read this and know what she is facing as far as ACL surgery goes, because frankly there is not a lot of information out there for women "our age".  Apparently, this is a young person's injury and a young person's recovery story.  People our age should be sitting on the sofa, eating ice cream and watching television.  Things are definitely changing.  Although, there may be a day (or two) in the next few months that I am definitely sitting on the sofa eating ice cream and watching television. 

Knowing that tomorrow I will feel a lot worse than I do at this moment is unsettling.  To think I am doing this voluntarily may indicate insanity to some.  I wonder myself.  Planning for the future has never been my strong suit and this is definitely in the "planning for the future" category.  If I want to do all I want to do in the future, then under the knife I go.  

Current status:

Mood- anxious, nervous, hesitant

Pain level- minimal

Swelling- some, but not a ton

It is the one on the right.  I was even starting 
to get a knee brace tan to match my sock tan!

Activity level-

I played golf twice this week and took my usual walk today.  

I have done my pre-hab exercises "almost" every day.  

I decided to log my walk as a goal for the future.  I found myself wondering how long it will be before I can walk as far and at a similar pace again.  Hoping this does more to motivate me rather than depress me.  

My last walk with my torn ACL
and damaged meniscus.
Goal for the future!

Weight- hahaha!  None of your business!

Height- 2 inches too short for my weight!

Range of Motion- I can straighten my leg completely and bend it more than 90 degrees but not quite as far as the other leg.  Straightening does not hurt at all; bending is a lot harder and hurts past maybe 110 degrees.  

I have no idea how long it will be until I get back to where I came from in this process.  I do know I am going to have painful days, less painful days, boring days and days I feel isolated.  Days I feel like I have taken two steps forward and ones I feel like I am going backwards.  I am hoping that maybe part of the last 2 years has set me up for the isolation, thanks Covid lockdown for something.  Maybe I need to break out the puzzles again or the coloring books.  Hoping to update my progress weekly and looking forward to sharing some of our trip to Italy once I am awake and alert long enough to string together cohesive sentences!  It will be something to look forward to, at least for me!

I have no expectations for the first week except to get through it!  I plan to follow the doctor's instructions, do as prescribed, hope for the best and try to stay positive.  I did meet a woman yesterday who has become my inspiration.  She is 69 years old, in great shape and has a decent golf game.  She said she had the same surgery when she was in her 50's and said she was out and about in 6 weeks.  She said it was not nearly as bad as she expected and judging by her mobility level at 69, she is a success story!  She gave me some very encouraging words and they were just what I needed.  

I do think it is a cruel joke that I have to arrive at the surgery center at 5 a.m.!  (I am such a morning person😂) At least I will be my doctor's first surgery of the day!  I have big plans to catch up on my sleep when I get home!


Linda Saucier said...

Hi Lisa! I have no doubt you will be up and out within a couple of weeks. With your positive outlook and determination you will be doing what you want in no time. My oldest, Ryan, had both hips replaced at the age of 42. After jumping out of helos In Afghanistan and years of activity he had to take care of the situation.
He was very anxious about the surgery, but he was walking down the hall within an hour of getting to his hospital room.
I will be praying for your recovery and hope you don’t get depressed. Please keep writing about what’s going on with you. I will be anxiously waiting to hear.
I love you my old friend! ❤️

Lisa said...

Thank you Linda! I made it to the other side, let the recovery begin and thank you for your prayers!

Lisa said...

Thank you Linda! I made it to the other side, let the recovery begin and thank you for your prayers!

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