Sunday, November 29, 2020

Happy 90th Dad! Thanks!

November 21, 2020, was my Dad's 90th birthday.  Living 90 years is something!  My siblings and I refer to him as the man with 9 lives.  He has definitely lived through some challenges but I would assume anyone who lives 90 years has lived through some challenges.  The last month has been another one of his challenges.  A trip to the hospital due to an infection resulted in minor surgery followed by a move to a rehab care facility.  This week he was moved from rehab to long term care.  Needless to say, he is not a happy camper.  His body may be failing him, but his mind is fully intact.  He knows this is not where he wants to be....especially on his birthday...during a pandemic.  I know....because he told me.  "You want to know what I want for my birthday?", he said.  "What?", I asked.  "Out of here!", he replied.  Sigh.
Happy Birthday!

As I walked this morning on a path I have walked many times, as far back as 2004, listening to some retro tunes, I was thinking of things to be thankful for this year.   Thinking of things to be thankful for and of my Dad's birthday led me to think of things to thank my Dad for.  After all, I am who I am because he is who he is.  

I can attribute my love of sports to my Dad.  From Sundays spent watching the Green Bay Packers coached by Vince Lombardi to betting in the Masters pool at "his" bar, I learned to love sports.  I grew up knowing about football, baseball, golf, and...of all things....bowling.  I may have also inherited my competitive spirit from him.  Although Mom is no pushover either!

I would like to thank my Dad and his Mom and Dad before him for making "the shore" a huge part of my life.  If he had not loved the shore and made the often herculean effort to get our family there in the summer I may not have known heaven on earth in Nova Scotia.  I know and love our large extended family because of him. When a man is willing to pile 5 kids into a van and drive for 5 days to spend the summer with over 50 relatives, you know family is important.

I can thank my Dad for giving me the "Dixon pause".  When asked a question, my Dad would take forever to answer!  There were times we thought he just wasn't going to answer or times we wondered if he had even heard the question.  I would muster up all of my nerve to ask him a question when I was growing up only to sit and squirm anxiously awaiting his answer wondering if he had even heard the question or if I was going to have to bravely ask again.  Inevitably he would give a thoughtful reply.  Dad is a thinker.  While I was sweating and squirming he was considering all the angles to my question before answering.  This would go for questions like, "Who is going to win the World Series?" or to more important questions like, "Can I use the car tonight?".   Pack a lunch if you ask him what he thinks about climate change!   I too have been accused of taking forever to answer a question.  Just ask my husband... or my kids!  They may even give you a timely answer!

I am not intimidated by many people because of my Dad.  If you know him, he can be an intimidating presence.  Growing up and having to hold my own with him gave me the ability to deal with strong personalities.  If I could face my Dad...I could face almost anyone.  I also learned that underneath that rough exterior was someone who cared and maybe thought he was teaching me a lesson by making me "work for it".

I attribute my laid-back personality to my Dad.  His ability to not over react has been passed down to me.  Consider the fact that after countless car breakdowns, on our many road trips to and from Nova Scotia, he always seemed to matter-of-factly deal with the car repair and get us all back on the road safely.  I may not have inherited his matter-of-fact way of dealing with car trouble come to think of it.  I go right into the fetal position if my car breaks down.  PTSD!  Thanks...for my over reaction to car trouble come to think of it!  Most of the time though, I am pretty laid-back, as is he.

I have been told I look like my Dad.  It must be true because I definitely do not look like my Mom!  Like my Dad, I enjoy a good meal and from time to time those good meals show up around my his did.  I can only hope I also inherited his longevity and his sharp mind.  
Happy 90th Birthday Dad...Thanks! 


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