Monday, March 16, 2020

Time to Get Creative!

Looking for something to do while you socially distance yourself from the rest of humanity?  Want something other than what is in the news to think about for the next 5 or 10 minutes?  Let me share a little mental exercise with you to take your mind to a different place than it has been forced to exist lately.  It will only be a brief escape, but this is me, doing what I can to help you channel your inner dreamer.  Consider it a mental vacation, since we can't take an actual vacation for a while!
A virtual vacation to enjoy.
I purchased the book, The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron, many years ago while taking a memoir writing course, at the encouragement of our instructor. It is a guide to lead you on "a spiritual path to higher creativity".  I've tried to read it several times,  maybe I was never in the right place to do the work needed to find my higher creativity.  The book, frankly, intimidated me.  Who am I to think I am a creative person, much less one with greater potential?  Well, as a New Year's resolution of sorts, I decided to read the book from beginning to end, at a slow and deliberate pace.  If I did not answer all of the questions or do all of the thought provoking prompts at least I would thoughtfully ponder them.  I am happy to report that I am almost halfway through the book and am enjoying the process....most days. 

Today as I read my few pages, one of the exercises seemed like it might be something we can all ponder as we stay home.  Thought I would share a bit of it with you and let everyone leave their comments.  It might help us over the next few weeks to channel our inner creative side as we stay home and healthy.  I, for one, can only clean so many closets, do so much laundry, sweep up the never ending stream of oak leaves and twirly things off my driveway, and take so many walks before I too need something else to do.  Maybe a new hobby or just rediscovering an old one!

Name 5 hobbies that sound like fun.
But do it from home!

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