Monday, April 22, 2019

The Best Photo I Never Took

warning...religious content
The best photo I never took would have required technology that does not exist yet.  If there were technology that could convey love, peace, passion, joy, contentment, awe, spirit, faith, and talent then I would have taken that photo yesterday and you would be moved to tears just like I was.  In that photo would be our family with grandparents, parents and children at Easter Mass.  We sat very close to the choir, the same choir my daughter sang in for many years until balancing work, babies and life ate up choir practice and performance time....for now.  The song being sung during the offertory was Because He Lives... close your eyes and listen peacefully, it is beautiful!

The best photo I never took happened as I watched my daughter, cradle her daughter who was asleep in her arms, as she sang every beautiful word of that song.  She was next to her husband who was holding their son, who was exhibiting his best church behavior (thank you Holy Spirit!), and surrounded by their families.  My daughter loves to sing!  She has an amazing voice and had sung that song many times as a choir member.  The peace and sheer pleasure on her face as she sang and rocked her soon to be baptized daughter brought both my husband and I to tears.  Watching her do something that brings her such joy is like watching an artist at work.  It was the best photo I never took and will be forever etched in my memory as one of the most beautiful moments of this life. 

And it all happened... because He lives. 
Happy Easter!

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