Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Because Sometimes Life is not Perfect

I thought I'd take a brief commercial break from the travel blogs and catch you up on real life.  This post is so you don't think my life is all beautiful sunsets, clear skies, gallivanting around the globe and eating delicious gourmet food.  Sometimes life is not perfect.

We celebrated Easter last weekend,(yes, I started this a long time ago!) along with the rest of the Christian world.  We also celebrated the 7th birthday of one very special boy.  My daughter and her family were here for the week of their Spring Break, the last time they were here for Easter we did the limbo.  We had a great week together!
We remembered the Alamo!

We went to the aquarium and discovered that Daniel is the bird whisperer.
We were having a great time together and things were seemingly perfect until.... a little stomach bug crept into our house.  Man down!  We did a lot of washing...carpet, sheets, pillows, comforter, and clothes.  I forgot, because that is God's way of insuring propagation of the species, just how much ground vomit can cover!  Our patient recovered in time to enjoy Easter.  My favorite part of Easter happened with my new best buddy, John.  I dressed him in his Easter clothes and told him, repeatedly, how handsome he looked.  After I dressed myself I picked John up and he patted my dress and said, "Gigi, handsome!".  So, maybe my life is perfect!
We are so handsome!
Easter was over and the grandsons and their parents headed back to the cold north country.  I collapsed on Monday.  Some time during the night that pesky stomach bug crept back into our house and struck me.  Three days later I was finally able to drag myself off the couch and join the human race.  That was a rough way to lose a few pounds, which sadly I instantly gained back with my first bite of solid food.

Just when I thought life was going to be normal again I woke up and my eyes looked like I was wearing red eye liner and they felt like wet sandpaper.  That was over a week ago.  Two trips to the eye doctor and 3 prescriptions later I am hopeful my eyes will no longer scare people when I look at them.

All month since we got back from our trip I have felt like there is a force preventing me from living my life.  I have not been able to get any traction on my normal routine.  No regular exercise, no regular diet, no regular golf games, no blogging and I have even had to call in sick twice for my ESL class....first time in 5 years I've called in sick!  Yes, I know, I'm whining a little.  I never whine!  What has happened to me?  8 days of scratchy eyes will mess with your psyche, take my word for it!

Anyway, that's what's new with me....I'll now try to finish my post about Dubai which I've been working on for a month, in between company, stomach bugs and eye infections.  It should be a doozy!

1 comment:

Carol said...

Welcome to jet lag! It presents itself in various ways. And yours presented with a wallop because (likely) it was coupled with a bit of a let down / adjustment the trip 1) was over and 2) was such a *success. I starred that because Croatia could only have been better had the weather been warmer and (for you only - NOT me) had there been more people touring.
Unfortunately, this only puts you on a higher pedestal in my book. Thank you for sharing the challenging moments life can bring. You still come up smelling roses and winning First Prize with John's comment. It not only brought tears to my eyes, but I truly had to choke back from crying full force. Such a treasured memory you have!! Such a treasured gift!!

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