Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Wake Up!

I am not really a morning person.   Lately though, my life is forcing me into morning personhood.  I survived raising four children which required a lot of early mornings, I really hoped when they were grown and gone I would finally be able to sleep in!  No such luck.  Just to clarify, early in my book is any time before 7 a.m., ridiculously early is any time before 6 a.m. and insanely early is before 5 a.m..  No sane person should wake up before 5 in my book.

Just last weekend I was up at 5 and on the road at 5:20, insanity! 

5:45 a.m. My husband and daughter before their 100 mile ride on the first day of the MS150.
See?  They look tired and cold...not to mention the 100 miles into the wind they will be riding!

 Over the Easter holidays I was up early (see definition above) every day.  Our  grandsons do not sleep in and when they wake up they have a lot of energy and they are not quiet, plus they are pretty cute in the morning.  There was no sleeping in.  I've driven to the airport for 6 a.m. flights several times lately, insanity!  I have another flight in a few weeks that leaves at 5:30 a.m.....who makes these reservations???  A morning person, aka my husband.  I am beginning to think it is a conspiracy, all the morning people in my life are getting together and scheduling things that require me to be conscious and participate much earlier than I want. 

I have even voluntarily gotten involved in activities that require me to be up and out early at least four days a week.  It is like having a job... or kids...neither of which I have, what gives?   I must confess that as I have gotten older I can't really sleep in like I used to.  Gone are the luxurious days when I could sleep until 10....  luxurious for me these days is sleeping until 7:30!  So sad, what has it all come to?  Have I become a morning person?  Never!  I may get up and I may even be able to drive but don't expect me to talk until at least after my second cup of tea, I can only do so  much.

If you read this post then you may be wondering if all that training paid off.

 I am happy to report that Marathon Girl did indeed finish the Boston Marathon in under 4 hours in the unseasonable heat.  I think all the training here in the tropical rain forest paid off for her and the heat did not bother her as much as it did those wimps who get to run in cool dry climates.

My husband and my daughter rode the MS 150 this past weekend and managed to ride the first day of 100 miles into a 15-20 mile headwind.  TJ said it was the hardest ride he has ever done...and this is his 6th time to do this ride and my daughter's first time.  She successfully crossed the finish line in Austin and and now has a well deserved sense of accomplishment.  I just got to wake up insanely early and drive the drop off and pick up car. 

The wind they rode into....for 100 miles!

She looks pretty good after waking up insanely early and riding 100 miles!

 As far as my goals....I did take the writing class, I don't think I learned as much as I would have liked.  I might have done better if I had just used that time and money and taken golf lessons because I still have not broken 100.  I will just keep chasing that elusive score and keep you posted.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I, for one, am quite happy to be done with the 5 am wake up calls on Saturday mornings for training rides. I barely function before 8 am, so all of this driving and cycling before then has been craziness!

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