January is a month most people think of as a "winter" month (unless you live south of the equator). It is usually dark and cold. It is a month I used to hibernate and do things like read War and Peace or some other equally long tome because I had time to sit by the roaring fireplace and read. I like reading next to a fire. I also like being able to put on a coat and go outside into the cold fresh air and take a nice walk or ski or shovel ( yes, I like shoveling). I may be a bit on the crazy side but I really like winter, most of the time.
Well, it was 80 degrees here on Friday and 79 on Sunday. It is not winter in Texas! There was also about 90% humidity, enough to cause lots of frizzy hair, fog and wet sidewalks but not enough to actually rain...lovely. Yeah, just think of how sticky that feels! Days like that make me just want to scream, especially when they come in January. Another side of the winter weather coin are nights like last night followed by days like today. The winds were so strong that the power went out, at 2 a.m., several times and stayed off for over an hour while we lay awake listening to wind howl and our neighbor's alarm systems that were set off by the power outages. Today the torrential rain hit. That is what happens when cold northern air hits the hot humid Gulf air. One would assume that the cold front would eventually win and we would be gifted with "winter like" weather....not so much! Unless you call 65 degrees "winter". Give me 3 feet of snow and sub freezing temperatures please, after all it is January!
Another reason to not love January... it's a pretty boring month if you ask me. Christmas is over, the decorations are all put away and the visitors have gone home. There is a certain let down after the holidays. When I worked for Weight Watchers, January was our month, everyone and their overweight brother wanted to join and lose weight in January. It was a very busy month! Now it is just long and there are no holidays, unless you count New Year's Day which is over before we even realize it is January. Combine dark, dreary, warm and humid with boring and you get my new least favorite month of the year. I know...I have a bad attitude about this and it is very early to be calling the game... but really? The Super Bowl is not even in January this year!
A couple of weeks ago I decided to take matters into my own hands. I booked a flight to Madison, Wisconsin. I leave tomorrow in search of winter and grandsons. If the winter won't come to me, I will just have to go to winter! I am also guaranteed that it will not be boring! I hope I get snowed in for a couple extra days and then January will be over.
Hello winter, I'm coming! |