Friday, December 16, 2011

Bah Humbug

Are you one of those overachievers who already has their Christmas shopping done, their cards sent, cookies baked and the house decorated?  Bah humbug!   Obviously, I am least this year!  I am finding it very difficult to actually get into the spirit. The 80 degree muggy weather might have something to do with my lack of Christmas spirit....just saying.   I don't think I am alone in this either, until yesterday the stores seemed empty.  Guess I'm not the only last minute shopper out there.  At least the traffic online has been manageable, no parking problems or lineups at the cash register! 

Maybe one of the reasons I am not feeling the spirit is because the little shopping I have done has been online.  No hustle and bustle to get into my psyche, just a computer screen.  No endlessly piped in carols playing in the background, no Salvation Army bell ringers, no pushing and shoving to get the perfect item, no over the top decorations to delight the eyes..... just my dirty floors, and dishes in the kitchen with the washer and dryer humming in the background.  Hmmm, maybe that explains the lack of spirit I'm feeling. 

Guess it's time I sharpen my elbows and go shopping.  One can only buy so much online before you have to go to a real store.  Get my earplugs, bah humbug!   Next on the list....Christmas cards?  We will see, I don't want to overdo it!


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  3. I think, your blog ist very interesting, 'cause there seems to be many different posts.! (:


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