Friday, October 25, 2024

Argentinian Adventures Part 1

 An observation on the eve of our departure for our next adventure.  This is the last night for 3 weeks that I will eat in my kitchen, sit on my sofa and watch tv, shower in my own bathroom, drive my car and just live my life as I know it.  Tomorrow it all changes.  Beginning tomorrow, for 3 weeks, my mind will be expanding, my experience bank will grow, I will be communicating in a new language, eating and drinking new things, I will go places I have never been before, see things I have only seen in movies, books and videos, and visit a new continent.  I sit here excited, anxious, optimistic, almost completely packed and as prepared as I get for a trip.  We planned the whole thing ourselves; we don't usually do group tours or cruises....yet.  That day will come. 

One of the best parts of any trip is the anticipation and all of the expectations. 

The above was written more than a week ago with the best intentions of actually...finally...publishing a post! I realized, relaxing here at siesta time, October is almost over! So you will get my best effort from my phone. If you are reading this, you probably follow me on other socials and have seen the photos. Good thing, because I am not able to attach any to the blog on my phone! 

Early observations from our trip to Argentinian so far. 

Buenos Aires is big! Not what I would call walkable except for small areas at a time. We put in many miles! Stayed at what might be the best hotel of the trip as far as amenities but not a location ideal for us. We plan to stay in a different area when we return for 2 days at the end of our trip. 

We did have a few memorable experiences.  Not all good.

We took a couple of tours. One of the Recoleta Cemetery which was good and the cemetery is unique and historic. Yes, we saw Evita's mosaleum. We took a bike tour of the south part of town. An area we thought we might not otherwise have visited but the older and more historic area. Glad we did! Great tour! 4 hours with a very good guide and only one other person. Just when we were feeling good about the city after we had lunch on our way back to our hotel we were sprayed with some icky stuff from behind. An attempt to distract us and pick our pocket. We were not pick pocketed, we had a very good idea who had done it and our belongings were secure. I also had my "spidey sense" on alert on that street. Sadly, my faith in people was shaken.  I swore not to walk that street again.

The splatter...icky! 
It did wash out...whew!

The next morning was Sunday and the closest beautiful basilica was on that street. Turned out it was Argentinian Mother's day. The service was beautiful, the music amazing and at the end we were treated to a beautiful violin solo that brought me to tears.  My faith in people was coming back. 

That night we went to a Tango show and dinner and it was great! The tango is such a beautiful dance!  

I would say Buenos Aires both lived up to my expectations and disappointed me in a few ways. 

I think after a few days in the city dealing with a different language(my limited Spanish is getting a workout!), different currency that we never seem to have enough of because who uses cash any more, and navigating such a large and varied city, we are ready for some smaller places.

That is about all my fingers can manage for now.  Thanks for checking in! Sorry the crickets have been managing the blog for the last couple of months, I will try to update sooner rather than later!

Basilica del Santisimo Sacramento

El Ateno Grand Splendid bookstore

The Obilesc 
Figured out how to do pictures! Learn something new every day!